Saturday, March 1, 2008

Welcome to US-China Information

As the cultural distance between the U.S. and China "shrinks," and individuals have more opportunities for contact--both in person and through the Internet--differences between customs and expectations remain. Although exposure to another culture can be exciting, occasionally, cultural differences can cause misunderstandings and frustrations that complicate personal or business relationships.

As individuals who have experienced these feelings and gained insights from them, we hope our blog will provide you with useful information.

当中美的文化差距在“缩短”, 人们有更多的机会去交流, 不管是亲身体会还是通过网站交流, 风俗和设想的差距仍然存在。 虽然接触另种文化很兴奋, 但偶而文化的差距会引起个人和企业之间的误解和不快。

我们经历过这些挫折, 从中得到了见解,以此希望我们的 blog 会给您提拱有用的信息。

-Ming & Nancy

1 comment:

Christina Springer said...

Welcome to the blogosphere Nancy and Ming! I look forward to future posts!